Chin Fat Reduction – Get Rid of Your Double Chin Without Surgery

Seeing a double chin in the mirror may be unsettling, especially if you’ve never had one before. Although its presence isn’t indicative of any serious medical problem, a double chin can adversely impact your self-esteem and confidence. 

Referred to as submental fat by medical professionals, the double chin (or even triple chin) can occur when layers of fat cells accumulate under your chin. Typically associated with extra weight, that’s not always the case. Even athletes and those within their normal weight range may be affected by it. 

What Causes a Double Chin?

A double chin can present as a small mound or a large fold between the neck and jaw. Just as each individual is completely different, so are the potential causes. These can include: weight gain, genetics, normal aging and loss of elasticity. Even poor posture can over time weaken the supportive muscles in your face and neck. 

The good news is if you are concerned or bothered by your double chin, there are a number of non-surgical cosmetic treatments available to correct it and enhance your appearance. 

Chin Fat Reduction Treatments 

Traditionally, surgical intervention was the way to go if you wanted to achieve a slimmer chin profile. Your surgeon would recommend either liposuction to remove the excess fat and/or surgery to trim away loose or sagging skin due to aging. Fortunately, patients today have a multitude of non-surgical options available if diet and exercise aren’t doing the trick.

Minimally-invasive treatments are plentiful. Across the country, various types of technology are being used to essentially accomplish the same thing – permanently destroy fat cells. 

Fat freezing involves a process called cryotherapy – eradicating stubborn fat cells by subjecting them to extremely low temperatures. On the flip side, devices such as radiofrequency and ultrasound use heat energy to break down unwanted adipose tissue. The biggest challenge with these procedures is that they involve bulk heating or cooling, a very imprecise way of targeting fat cells. 

At Restoration Clinic we’ve had great success with fat dissolving injections. Known as Lipodissolve, it’s a method developed in 2002 for the purpose of safe, effective and targeted subcutaneous fat reduction.

What is Lipodissolve?

Lipodissolve involves injecting a special pharmaceutical compound directly into the superficial to mid layer of fat. The primary active agent is bile salt, a naturally occurring substance already present in our bodies.

Once injected, the solution works to disrupt the fat cells and emulsify their contents by breaking down the bonds that keep fat in a solid state.

Once the fat is liquefied, it’s safely removed by the lymphatic system. Essentially, the fats cells and bile solution are gradually flushed from the body as waste. This process can take anywhere from 8-16 weeks to complete, depending on the patient’s metabolism. 

The treatment is an excellent way to remove stubborn fat under the chin that doesn’t respond to diet and exercise. Keep in mind that to achieve “wow factor” results, several sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart may be required.


What are the benefits?

One notable advantage of fat dissolving injections is that your clinician can control exactly where the medication is being administered, within one centimetre. For this reason, it’s much more precise and accurate, especially when the goal is to achieve improved neck, chin and jawline definition.

Additionally, there is compelling clinical evidence that fat dissolving injections have a mild tightening and constricting effect on the skin. The inflammatory response that follows fat dissolving injections promotes new collagen formation. As a result, the skin often becomes firmer and smoother. 

For many patients, the biggest benefit of Lipodissolve is that the outcome is permanent. The nature of fatty tissue is that it doesn’t regenerate or grow back once it has been destroyed. The existing fat cells can increase in size, however. That’s why maintaining your weight and leading a healthy lifestyle is very important if you want your results to last over the long-term.


What can I expect during and after treatment?

To keep you comfortable during the procedure, a numbing cream will be applied 30 minutes prior to your session. You clinician may use a stencil to mark small dots under your chin to guide the injections. After the treatment, an ice pack will be applied to minimise pain, swelling and chances of bruising at the injected site.

There is some downtime following fat dissolving injections. As far as cosmetic treatments go, this one would not be considered a lunchtime procedure. Although it only takes approximately 30 minutes, immediate swelling and discomfort are to be expected and returning to work right away may not be recommended. In fact, you’ll be advised to rest and continue icing the area for the rest of the day. 

The swelling usually subsides within 48 hours; however, it can take several weeks to resolve completely. You’ll be able to see visible results after approximately 8-10 weeks. 


We invite you to book a consultation at Restoration Clinic in Mt. Hawthorn or call us at (08) 9443 2222 to determine if Lipodissolve injections are right for you, and how they can help you achieve the chin you’ve always wanted.


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